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median household income中文是什么意思

用"median household income"造句"median household income"怎么读"median household income" in a sentence


  • 家庭入息中位数


  • Median household income
  • Poverty is rising and median household incomes are , in real terms , declining
  • They are in good professions including the professionals and associate professionals with median household income of $ 63 , 000
  • In real terms , although median household income is higher than ever , median household income has increased only around 15 % since 1984
    从实际来看,虽然中产家庭收入比过去要高,但自从1984年起总计上涨仅15 % 。
  • This type has better than average median household income of $ 30 , 000 . these are mostly mid - ranking civil servants in non - manual work living in departmental quarters
  • Median household income is still below its peak in 1999 , and has grown more slowly than income per head , as the rich have gained more than those in the middle
  • This also ties in with our recommendation that the government should adopt median household income and expenditure for estimating financial eligibility and for defining the target group respectively under existing government policy
  • Indeed , for the same reason , the government should use median household income to define the lower middle class and below . with the adoption of both median household income and expenditure , there will be a rational basis in reviewing consumer price movements as they affect legal aid
用"median household income"造句  



The median household income is commonly used to generate data about geographic areas and divides households into two equal segments with the first half of households earning less than the median household income and the other half earning more. The median income is considered by many statisticians to be a better indicator than the average household income as it is not dramatically affected by unusually high or low values.
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